Snowdonia Marathon Eryri 2014



It is barely three months since the 2013 Snowdonia Marathon Eryri took place, and was hailed as one of the best races ever. However, such is the popularity of marathon running these days that entries for the 2014 event went live on at midnight on the 1st of January with the organisers expecting to fill the race in record time, exceeding the 40 day record from 2013.


2013 winner Rob Samuel ©Gwynfor James / Sport Pictures Cymru

Race co-ordinator Jayne Lloyd has been at the head of organsing the race since 2004 and says that judging by the feedback from the 2013 event that the race could well be full inside those 40 days:

“2013 was incredible, as we now use online entry systems we could see the flow of entries coming in over January and February, it was pretty exciting to watch! Once again in 2014 runners were literally sat in front of their computers at midnight on New Years Eve waiting to enter and by midday on the 1st of January we have received nearly 700 entries. 

We are seen as one of the premier marathons in the UK now, and demand for places is getting higher every year”.

Regarding the feedback which the race receives, Jayne continues:

We are very proud of the praise that we get for the race, some of the comments received in 2013 were very humbling. People obviously see the race as their ‘event of the year’, creating holidays in the area around participating in the race, and come back year after year – that can only be a good thing for communities, sport in Wales and local business.”


©Gwynfor James / Sport Pictures Cymru

Entries for the 2014 race opened on Wednesday Jan 1st at 00.01am and can be accessed by going to and clicking on ENTER THE RACE.

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