TRAINING for Marathon des Sables


Runners from all over the world are looking ahead to April and the next edition of Marathon des Sables. It’s daunting and it can be intimidating. Planning is key. All runner’s need to periodise training so that you get the most from it.

This ‘planning’ often comes in the form of a PYRAMID. The ‘classic’ pyramid training method is well established. In this article I want us to look at this pyramid in two ways by looking at two different runners.

Runner 1– Runs regularly but MDS is a new target and pushes the boundaries of what they thought possible.

Runner 2– Has completed MDS or similar stage race and wants to go back and improve.

First of all, both runners need to count back. From the race date, for some, that may well be a 12-month plan, but more often than not, depending on experience and history, a 6-month block is ideal and for the well trained, a 4 to 3-month very specific block is not unrealistic.

  1. April – MDS race.
  2. March
  3. February
  4. January
  5. December
  6. November

Counting back, it’s easy to look at the objective in real terms and understand what one needs to achieve.



Depending on experience, how this plan is put together is very much dependent on the individual. However, certain key elements should be present in any training plan and this article is intended to provide the basics from which you can develop a strategy that works for you. I must stress, for you!


As stated, runner 1 “Runs regularly but MDS is a new target and pushes the boundaries of what they thought possible.”Therefore, a classic pyramid will be ideal.

See below:


Decide on objectives for the year, decide on Cand targets, obviously, the ultimate is MDS. Put them in a diary and ideally have a wall planner so that you have an overview of the training block, be that 12, 6 or 4-months. It’s easy to see how training looks on a planner. C should be something that one trains through, can be more challenging and have a small taper for, A is very specific such as a training camp.

For example:

  1. April – MDS race – A RACE
  2. March
  3. February
  4. January – a training camp or a mini stage race in training or official
  5. December – a marathon on trail
  6. November – could be a half marathon

MDS is a long way, typically 250km, so, base training and getting the miles in is key. I would hope that before starting any specific training plan, a base has already been established with some consistent running; say, 3 times a week. I have allocated 8 weeks for this in the plan below. Hours of easy miles progressively building to C and B targets.

The objective can be a training camp, maybe a race such as a 3-day race or a specific training long weekend to simulate race conditions.

You can’t perform well at every event and this is why C,and targets are important. Ultimately, MDS is the one in which you must perform.

As in any plan, flexibility is needed. Nothing is fixed and one must be flexible and listen to one’s body. I recommend building for 3 weeks, recovering on week 4, take things easy with reduced mileage and more rest and recovery.

Rest is really important as is consistency. Training is never about ‘one’ run but all the runs added together.

  • November and December 8 weeks – Base
  • January 3 weeks – Specific phase
  • February 3 weeks – Preparation phase
  • March 3 weeks – Peak
  • April  Taper and RACE


Marathon des Sables will need you to be specific.

For example:

  • You will be carrying a pack that on day-1 of the race will weight at minimum, 8kg.
  • You will be racing in hot conditions.
  • You will be self-sufficient.
  • You will be compromised on calories.
  • You will almost certainly walk more than you anticipate.

The above list goes on and on and as training progresses, you should refer to the list and asses importance. For now, I would place the above list in the following priority.

LEARN TO WALK for most participants and good walking strategy and being familiar with how to use poles are a key to MDS success.


As training progresses asses, one’s strengths and weaknesses and then adjust the plan.

  • Do you need to work on strength and core?
  • If you have poles, do you know how to use them?
  • Are you recovering?
  • How is your diet?
  • What is my resting heart rate, is it fluctuating?
  • Am I being specific and thinking of the race terrain and simulating it?

And so, on and so on. The above questions are a starting point. Read through the list and add your own questions to appraise what type of runner you are.

As the time progresses, not only will you feel more confident, you will be able to understand what needs to be done to achieve your goal.


As stated, runner 2 “Has completed MDS or a similar stage race and wants to improve.”

I want to throw a curve ball in here and suggest reversing the pyramid.


For runner 1, the emphasis is building a base and then slowly but surely progressing up the pyramid to the pinnacle, MDS. Speed work and faster sessions are less important as building the endurance for the event is a priority, speed will form a very small element of training.

But assuming that runner 2 already has a good base of fitness. An emphasis can be placed on

  • How to improve,
  • How to be more efficient and
  • How to be faster.

So, before planning training, the following should be asked:

  • Do I lack endurance?
  • Do I lack speed?
  • Do I lack strength and core weak?
  • Was I mentally strong?

With answers to the following, one can look at the pyramid in a new way, turn it upside down and instead of putting a priority on long steady sessions early on, they can place a priority on:

  • Strength and core
  • Speedwork
  • The mental approach

Speed training is usually used to add the finishing touches to a solid block of training. But as stated, as an MDS finisher, they already have endurance, so, working on speed now is a great use of time.

  • November and Decembert can be used to get faster and stronger.
  • January can see more endurance added with a reduction in speed work.
  • February now combines endurance and speed with additional focus on strength with hill sessions.
  • March would be the peak phase, fine tuning speed in combination with endurance.
  • April would be a final peak and then taper to the RACE.

If you are someone looking to perform and improve, you need to be more self-critical. Plan your training and periodise your training so that you are able to (hopefully) predict good form for when you want it.

As an example, your A race which could take place in January or February may be something more specific where you are also looking for a result in addition to being in prime shape for MDS.

Remember you can only hold form for a limited length of time and if you want to peak, you need to make sure that this planning stage is done early so that you understand what you are trying to achieve. It’s all about stepping stones. And make sure you consider the terrain that the race will take place on.


This article is not a hard and fast plan, it’s a guide for you to go away, look at your targets having assessed past targets and hopefully it makes you think about future objectives so that you can plan for a successful, injury free period of running and racing.

Consistency is key and just running and walking 3 to 6 times per week already drastically increases your chance of success at MDS. Remember, other than the ‘long-day,’ most days are the 28km to 42km bracket, so, no need to go crazy on distance.

The race is 5-stages over 6-days with a maximum distance of 250km’s and the longest day being 75 to 85km. Remember though, the ‘long-day’ has almost two days to complete, so, if required, you can take a substantial break or sleep to make the distance doable.

There are many more questions to ask and points to consider when planning but these should come after getting the training plan and schedule prepared.

  • Prepare for the heat in the taper phase.
  • Planning equipment looking for the best options for you based on weight and budget.
  • Work on food for the race and fine out what you need.

Fancy an early season multi-day TRAINING CAMP? Join us in Lanzarote January HERE

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My recent podcast interview with Cyril Gauthier (available HERE) discussing the new development and progression for Marathon des Sables has now been transcribed and translated in to French. Superb job by Emmanuel Lamarle.

It is available on the website by following the link HERE.

Make sure you you click on the flag (top right) as the copy will be in French or English.

Further Reading

The Ultimate Guide to Marathon des Sables – 2023 Edition

Healthy Feet For Running and Walking


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Healthy Feet For Running and Walking

Blisters, they are one of the key causes for a runner or hiker needing to stop in a race or adventure. There is no 100% guarantee that blisters can be prevented, but in most scenarios, blisters can be avoided if you are proactive.

  • First and foremost, you need strong and healthy feet.
  • Secondly, good shoes that fit correctly and are appropriate for the challenge ahead are crucial. 
  • Thirdly, socks and the correct sock for you.

What causes blisters?

The answer is really very simple: FRICTION.

If a shoe does not fit correctly, either too small or too big, two things will happen:

If the shoe is too big:

Your foot will move inside the shoe, a moving foot causes friction and friction means blisters.

“Going too big, meanwhile, means your foot shifts around in your shoe. If a shoe doesn’t lock down over your navicular bone, your foot can move back and forth with each step. The shear stress of shifting shoes and bunching socks against skin creates blisters.”

If the shoe is too small:

Your foot will be squeezed and compressed with certain key contact points touching the shoe (toes, instep, arch and so on) and this in turn will cause friction and result in blisters, aches and pains.

“Wear shoes that are too short, and your toes can butt up against the front. This contributes to the bane of runners’ existence, black and missing toenails, says Vincent. This contact can also damage toe ligaments and the metatarsals, leading to deformities like hammer toes, he says. Over time, you can also develop Freiberg’s infraction—a stress fracture of the second metatarsal—from repeated impact. Plus, squeezing your toes together too tightly forces the muscles of your foot out of alignment, Gray says. As a result, you might feel foot fatigue and develop pain in your arches.”


A simple Top-10 checklist is as follows, I recommend you try any new shoe on after you have spent time on your feet, as this allows the foot to naturally spread and be its true size.

  • Choose the correct type of run shoe for the chosen terrain: road, trail, mountain and so on. They should have the correct outsole for the required job and the correct level of protection and durability.
  • Take in to consideration cushioning and shoe drop.
  • It sounds obvious, but make sure the shoe feels comfortable.
  • Your toes should have room to move BUT not too much room. A thumb nail of extra length above your longest toe is a good gauge. Note I say ‘longest toe,’ this for many is not always the big toe – Greek, Egyptian, Square or Classic foot shapes need consideration.
  • Consider your foot shape, are you a long and thin foot or a wide foot? Choose a shoe that is appropriate for your foot shape. A good example here is Altra or Topo which are much wider shoes that echo a wide foot shape. Take out the insole of a shoe and place your foot on it while wearing socks, this is a good indicator of the shoe length and fit.
Three feet, all the same shoe size but you can see the difference between wide and narrow.
  • Lace your shoes correctly and make sure that the shoe holds your foot without unnecessary movement. This should NOT be at the expense of pain on the instep because you need to over tighten the laces. Also, make sure there is no slipping at the rear when moving.
  • The arch of the foot should feel comfortable. Make your sure you know if you are neutral, supinate or pronate as this will narrow down shoe selection. Consideration are low, medium or high arch. Maybe you use an orthotic? If so you should use neutral shoes, take out the insole provided with the shoe and insert your orthotic.
  • Use your preferred socks when trying and testing shoes. Note: If you plan to double sock and pre-tape your feet, you need to try and test shoes in this way! Don’t test shoes with ‘any’ sock when you plan to use something different. Double socking AND taping may require a size bigger.
  • Make sure the shoe flexes correctly in the propulsive phase, this is the area behind the metatarsals. It should not distress the toes and equally, if a shoe is too wide, this will create bulging of the material and fabric which can cause blisters/ friction.
  • If a shoe fits you perfectly, they should be good for running straight away, however, sometimes it can be beneficial to wear a shoe in the home first, then go for a walk outside and then run.

Should you get larger run shoes?

There is no one easy answer here and many pitfalls. You will hear someone say, ‘I always buy a size bigger in my run shoes in contrast to my daily shoes.’ However, this actually provides us with no information. Why? Firstly and most importantly, we have no idea how someones daily shoes fit, they may be too small and therefore going up a size in a run shoe means they are actually in the correct size. Also, if you double sock and pre-tape, this will almost certainly require a shoe that is larger and or wider.

Quite simply, the thumb nail of width above the longest toe is an ideal measuring guide. Again, I stress, the longest toe, this is NOT always the big toe.

Should I get wider run shoes?

As with the above question, there is no one easy answer. But you will know if you have a narrow foot, medium foot or wide foot. Many shoe brands now offer a guide on the width of shoe to help you make an informed decision, this is often on a scale of 1-5, 1 being narrow and 5 being wide.

However, the width of the required shoe can change based on the run type you are doing and the duration of the run. For perspective, if you are running a technical mountain marathon over 1-2 hours, you will want a more precision fit that provides greater control and security. By contrast, if you are running a 100-mile race say over 20-hours, you need a much more relaxed fit shoe with some space and comfort.

Ultimately, you need to make a decision on the best shoe for you taking in to consideration the type of terrain you will run on and for how long.

Common mistake – You may have a shoe that you really like and due to changes in your feet, yes, feet do change. The shoe you are using is no longer the best shoe for you, maybe your feet have gone wider but not longer? To compensate for this extra width, you get the same shoe one size bigger. You have now gained extra width with the increase in size but now, the shoe is too long. What would have been better is changing shoe model or brand and getting a wider fit that may well be the same size as your old shoe.

Runner’s World have an article: “Thankfully, more running shoes feature wider designs nowadays, and manufacturers like Altra and Topo Athletic make shoes that match the curves of a foot, rather than a triangle. That’s good for your toes, which tend to be healthiest when they can splay out laterally and evenly distribute weight across your foot, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.”

‘The Best Wide Toebox Running Shoes For Every Foot Shape’ HERE

The longer you run and the more time you spend on your feet, the width of the shoe plays more importance. So consider this. As an example, maybe you are running Marathon des Sables in the Sahara desert. It’s going to be hot and dry. You will run for multiple days and your feet will be under stress. Blisters are commonplace because runners don’t consider all of the above points. They incorrectly listen to the generic advice of ‘get bigger shoes’ but this only allows the runner to fall in the friction trap.

The Friction Trap – Bigger shoes allows the foot to move, a moving foot means friction, friction means blisters.

What they should consider is getting the correct fitting shoes with a thumbnail of extra length above the longest toe, and then getting a wider fit shoe to allow for toe splay and breathing space.


With the correct shoes and socks, you need healthy feet.

Manage your skin, in many scenarios, there are two thought processes: 1) Toughen the skin. 2) Soften the skin so it becomes like leather. For me, softening the skin is preferential.

Condition your feet to the challenge you will put them through. Strong muscles, ligaments, tendons and ankles make for happy feet. Competitive Edge provide a good article HERE on ‘How to Improve Foot Strength for Running.’

Trim toenails back and maintain.

Allow feet to rest and recover, shoe and sock free post exercise.

Walk around at home barefoot as this will help the conditioning process.

Products like Gurney Goo or by contrast, highly absorbent powder make for happy feet during exercise.

If you have dry and callused feet, use products such as lotions or creams to help soften the skin.


Treatment by DocTrotter medical team at the Marathon des Sables.

Quite simply, if you follow the above steps, you should have no problems.

  • Look after your feet.
  • Wear the corrects socks*
  • Pre-Tape if required.
  • Have the correct shoe for the terrain and the correct fit.

*Toe socks like those by Injinji form seamless little sleeping bags for each toe, wrapping each toe with moisture wicking, low friction fabric. They immediately stop the skin on skin rubbing. They also allow your toes to spread, grip and creep naturally providing they are used in a shoe with a wide enough toe box to allow splay. Toe socks help reduce blisters BUT if you plan on pre-taping, they may not be the best choice.

But, things can happen…

Sane Race. Same Distance. Different Results.

Be reactive, if you are prone to hot spots, blisters and so on, don’t wait for them to happen and then react, be reactive. Pre-taping is not unusual for some athletes, even with the correct fitting shoes.

Often, the first signs of a potential problem is a ‘hot spot’ which at first can be a minor irritation that can often be ignored. DO NOT ignore it. Stop. Take your shoes off and socks. Address the hot spot with applying tape.

Blisters and fixing them can be an art form. Most of us don’t prepare or plan for this as we are often taken by surprise in training or racing. This usually results in a bad training session or a ruined race, so, what can we do in advance?


You need: The correct shoes and socks with correct fit.

  • Clean feet.
  • Use alcohol wipes to remove the bodies natural oils from the skin.
  • Apply Tincture of Benzoin or a similar product, this will allow the tape to adhere better.
  • Prepare tape by cutting to correct lengths and make sure you ‘round’ the corners.
  • Apply tape (Hypafix for example) making sure there are no folds, creases, and problem areas.
  • Use a lubricant, such as Gurney Goo but importantly, find out what works for you. You may prefer powder such as Gold Bond?
  • Apply socks.


Taping is a skill and you will not get it right first time. 

Just as you devote time to training, devote some time to foot care and go through the process.

  • Clean your feet with alcohol.
  • Apply Tincture of Benzoin.
  • Go through the process of cutting tape and applying.
  • Keep tape as smooth as possible avoiding creases and ridges. Creases and ridges will only create more friction points.
  • Do not tape too tightly as this may cause circulation problems.
  • Learn how to tape the ball of the foot and the heel area – common problem areas that require different taping methods.
  • Lubricate or powder after applying tape.
  • Roll socks on and off to avoid causing issues with the tape.

The above will only get you so far.



You need to do more research. Rebecca Rushton offers a great resource at


Should you pop a blister? It is usually not recommend to pop a blister as this can leave it open to bacteria, which can lead to infection. But, there are times when it is a good idea. Read HERE.

Download a guide ©rebeccarushton on BLISTER TREATMENT BLUEPRINT 2.0 HERE

Rebecca has a YouTube site HERE which is also a valuable information source.

More information:

  • Toe Blisters HERE
  • Bunions and Blisters HERE
  • Heel Blisters HERE
  • Ball of the Foot Blisters HERE
  • Blood Blisters HERE

Useful Products:

  • 2Toms Blistershield Powder
  • Gurney Goo
  • Injinji Socks
  • Fixomull Stretch Tape
  • Engo Patches
  • Armaskin Socks – To be used as the ‘inner’ sock when double socking.
  • Hydrocolloid
  • MyRaceKit Deluxe AntiChafing Kit
  • Hypafix Tape


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Reference –’drop’%20of%20a,the%20ball%20of%20the%20foot.

Reference –’drop’%20of%20a,the%20ball%20of%20the%20foot.

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The Ultimate Guide to Marathon des Sables – 2023 Edition

The iconic Marathon des Sables is entering a new phase, the past 37 editions have been under the aegis of Patrick Bauer, who, back in 1984, filled up a pack with food and water and trekked off alone into the Algerian Sahara to cover 350km’s on foot in a self-sufficient manner. Little did he know at the time, but this journey was the start of something incredible, the Marathon des Sables, or MDS as it is affectionately known.

Now under new ownership, the 38th edition taking place in April 2024 will see some significant changes while sticking to the main format and principles of the past 37-editions.

It is therefore timely, to update my Ultimate Guide to Marathon des Sables and acknowledge these key changes.

A recent podcast with one of the new co-owners, Cyril Gauthier, can be heard HERE.

Cyril ran the Marathon des Sables in 2009, created the brand WAA and is instrumental in the growth of the HMDS (Half Marathon des Sables) format. Moving forward, the HMDS format will no longer have the ‘half’ title, for example, HMDS Morocco will become MDS Morocco, HMDS Jordan will be MDS Jordan and the key, full distance race of the past 37-years will be called ‘LEGENDARY‘ – The Legendary Marathon des Sables.

Marathon des Sables offers more than just running, it offers a challenge, it offers something quite unique – the Sahara and the MDS strips the runner back to basics and deprives them of all luxuries so that they are stripped raw. Runners find themselves in the desert.

However, this challenge can often daunt a new participant with the challenge that is ahead and therefore, my Ultimate Guide to the Marathon des Sables is provided to settle nerves, provide initial information and provide a level of knowledge that you can use as a base from which to build your own plan and decide on what equipment to purchase and use.



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Cappadocia Ultra Trail 2023 Summary

Kim Schreiber victory and 3rd overall in the CMT

Quite simply, Cappadocia is unique. If you haven’t experienced the place, you need to add a trip very close to the top of your ‘to-go’ list now.


Iconic balloons, landscape and early morning light.

You’ll have seen the images, two in particular appear everywhere when you do a search on the internet, one will be the unique fairy towers and the other, hot air balloons gliding over the aforementioned landscape with the glow of early morning light.

Running and racing is a wonderful double edged sword, we look for new destinations to practice our sport and then when in these locations, we get to explore them in the best way possible, by foot!

Hoodoo – an epic backdrop

Salomon Cappadocia Ultra Trail, now in it’s 10th edition provides the opportunity to mix the best of both worlds.

The races start and conclude in Ürgüp (closest airport Kayseri) in Nevşehir province. It’s the perfect hub for exploration. Located at 1044m, access to key tourist attractions and hot air balloon flights, are just a phone call away, particularly if you communicate with Argeus Travel, who also happen to be the team behind Cappadocia Ultra Trail.

Other than say Montserrat, Colorado and north America, the landscape of Cappadocia is unique. The ‘Hoodoo’ (fairy chimney) actually translates to tent rock or earth pyramid is in abundance and a key feature of the landscape here. Created by earth erosion, they typically consist of soft rock topped by harder rock. These Hoodoos became home to Troglodytes (cave dweller) who carved into the formations to create a place to live. Varying in size, Hoodoo can be up to 10 storeys high and they are unique with a conical shape. Today, there are no permanent settlements but Persians, Ottomans, Romans, Byzantines and others, over time, have used these Hoodoo as shelter. Notably, Christians fleeing persecution made their homes in Cappadocia and they built churches. This was a key phase in the development of the Hoodoo, they ‘added’ to the natural structure and also built a network of underground cities and caves.

And so, Salomon Cappadocia Ultra Trail offers a unique opportunity to run through history.

With three key races, CUT at 119k,, CMT at 63km and CST at 38km, there is a race distance for all. While CUT provides the full and immersive 360 experience, the CMT arguably provides the most spectacular and concise journey. The CUT and CMT cover the same trails starting in Ürgüp and passing on a circular route through key locations such as Ortahisar, Ibrahimpasa, Göreme and the Rose and Red valley, where surreal rock formations, pinkish-red colours, and ancient cave churches make this a highlight. Ürgüp follows and the CMT concludes, for the CUT they continue on for a tough and arduous loop passing through Mustafapasa, Damsa Dam, Cemil, Taskinpasa, Karlik, Egrim Tepesi and finally Ürgüp for the finish.

The CST passes through Ibrahimpasa, Göreme and concludes in Ürgüp and while the route has its moments, it’s less spectacular than the CMT.

With over 2400 runners from over 70 nations, Cappadocia Ultra Trail has become Turkey’s key trail running event. It sets the bar for how an event should be. Talking with the team at Argeus, they have a simple philosophy, they wanted to create an event for Turkish people that was of the highest standard and importantly, affordable. The growth of the event and the landscape on offer has made this one of the key events in the world to travel to and it’s easy to see why. Ürgüp in itself has grown through the tourism generated and as such, accommodation is in abundance and much of it with a boutique style, I for example stayed inside a cave at Deer Suites.

Racing was fast and furious and the presence of the Adidas Terrex Team certainly provided a new impetus to the racing with Dmitry Mityaev and Ekaterina Mityaeva winning the CUT, Ekaterina also 3rd overall. Kim Schreiber winning the CMT and placing 3rd overall! Martin Dematteis and Dion Gorla both placing 2nd in the CST. Full results HERE.

Dmitry Mityaev

CUT – Dmitry Mityaev completed the 360 degree journey of Cappadocia in a course record time of 10:59:32 with Farkhad Isakov and Mohammadreza Jelodar placing 2nd and 3rd, 12:14:25 and 13:12:15 respectively. Ekaterina Mityaeva also set a course record 13:00:23 and placed 3rd overall, a stunning run. Ksenila Avdeeva was 2nd in 14:23:45 and Sergio Baysal 3rd in 15:24:41.

Ekaterina Mityaeva

CMT – Kim Schreiber was the star completing the 63km in 05:38:39 and placing 3rd overall. Behind, the Terrex athlete was followed by Varvara Shikanova and Aysel Yalac Dolay. 06:02:58 and 06:24:50 respectively. Mestan Turban set a blistering pace for the men and set a convincing victory in 05:03:49 followed by Irem Can Ayaz in 05:17:40 and Ryan Farrugia in 05:42:15.

Mestan Turban passing through Ibrahimpasa

CST – Alejandro Forcades and Martin Dematteis had a hard fought battle for victory, Alejandro finally crossing first in 02:39:40 to Martin’s 02:41:34. Yury Shtankov rounded the podium in 02:48:29. The women’s race also had a tight battle for victory with Simone Brick edging out Dioni Gorla, 03:25:53 to 03:26:35. Tugce Karakaya placed 3rd in 03:31:24.

Hidden caves

In addition to the stand-alone races, the CUT, CMT and CST were also done in relay format. Results CUT, CMT and CST.

Ürgüp was a stunning location and hub for the 2023 Cappadocia Ultra Trail, in conjunction with excellent organisation from Argeus, many are now already looking ahead to 2024. See you there I hope!

Magical and unique landscape.

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Oliena SkyTrail 2023 Summary

William Boffelli

As trail and mountain running grows worldwide, races with a 1000 or even 1000’s of runner’s are becoming normal. It’s great to see this boom and long may it continue. However, raw and local events have a place, they are a hark back to the ‘why’ we run, travel, adventure, culture and an immersive experience in a new place with new people.

View the Image Galleries HERE

Local colour

Oliena SkyTrail offers just this!

Now in its third edition, the race has grown from humble beginning to 100’s of participants over four races, VK, 17km, 24km and 50km.


Deep inside Sardinia, the wild territory of Supramonte is explored, on foot. The beauty of this region comes in its primitive, harsh and beautiful terrain which makes up the challenge to be endured from VK to 50km. This rough terrain in softened by the people and their warmth. Rough and smooth, Oliena is a must visit destination.

Looking up from the centre of town, the church towered by an epic backdrop of mountains that is reminiscent of the Dolomites, provides a hub for the weekend of events. Saturday afternoon, the VK and 17km get underway at 1500 both taking the same trail to Prado where they then split, the 17km heading right for a wonderful trail journey back to town, the VK turning left for a steep conclusion at Punta Carabidda. Sunday, an 0700 start for the 50km and at 0900 the 24km gets underway, the two races sharing some of the same trails to and from Prado but in opposite directions.

Some would say, they are brutally beautiful.

Battle for VK first place

The VK covers 6.5km’s and 980m+ of tree covered trails until finally opening up to mountainous terrain as Prado looms. Now the terrain is tough, challenging and more technical. VK’s burn the legs and lungs and here in Oliena, Alex Baldaccini and Frederico Nicolini pushed each other to the line, crossing together in 41:06. Lorenzo Rostagno placed third. Elena Nicolini crowned the podium for the women in 54:23, also good enough for fifth overall. Camilla Calosso and Giudy Turini completed the podium.

Giudy Turini

Starting at the same time as the VK, the 17km Corassi Trail covers 1250m of vertical gain with the opening km’s matching those of the VK to Prado. From here the route heads right towards Monte Corassi (1463m) and a magical loop that eventually concludes back in Oliena. Salvatore Ragonese dominated with a 01:59:01 performance ahead of Nicolas Orrù and Davide Barattini. Lena Zellman from Germany took the top honours for the women in 02:28:42 with Valentina Nazarov second and Francesca Visconti third.

A night of rest for the runner’s, for the Oliena staff, a busy night preparing for the Sunday action.

The Supramonte backdrop

The Ultra Sky Supramonte covers 50km’s with 3700m of vertical ascent, it’s a tough race and one that would test all the participants. Going in a clockwise direction, the route concludes with a climb to Monte Corrasi but from the opposite direction of the 17km and 24km races. It came as no surprise that top skyrunner, William Boffelli dominated the race.

Franco Collé

A potential challenge from Tor des Geants record holder, Franco Colle disappeared when Franco withdrew from the race – It was just soon after Tor! Williams time of 06:03:07 an impressive conclusion to a masterclass performance. It was almost 40-minutes later when second placed Tizano Scatolin arrived. Martin Blathusiak placed third. Radka Litajova placed in the top-10 overall and won the women’s race in 08:04:21 ahead of Katerina Sulikova and Marta Poretti.

50km has steep and challenging terrain

Starting 2-hours after the 50km, the 24km Humidor SkyTrail got underway, 1700m of positive gain to be conquered.

Lorenzo Beltrami

Lorenzo Beltrami fought of a challenge from skyrunning legend, Tadei Pivk, to take victory in 02:21:02 just over 4-minutes ahead of Tadei.

Tadei Pivk

Paolo Bonanomi placed third. Pina Deiana repeated success from 2022 with another victory, stopping the clock in 03:07:17. Ivana Bruckova and Ludovia Rossi completed the podium.

Epic terrain and views

As the runner’s completed their journeys in the centre of Oliena, a party welcomed them with celebratory crowds, local atmosphere and a live band. Oliena SkyTrail may be small, but it’s big on atmosphere and emotion. For many, two days is just not enough… These mountains and trails need exploring, maybe at a more relaxed pac with a hike and picnic. There are no shortage of adventures too, a ‘must-do’ is Su Cologne for lunch, a visit to the area and canoe trip on Lago del Cedrino.

Trust me, I am going back in 2024, but this time for a week. I need to explore more.

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The Ultimate Equipment Guide to Desert Multi-Day Racing – Hints ‘n’ Tips Updated


Desert running brings many challenges and running in a desert for multiple days brings a whole new set of challenges. Over 30-years ago (1984), Patrick Bauer, filled up a pack with food and water and trekked off alone into the Algerian Sahara to cover 350km’s on foot in a self-sufficient manner. Little did he know at the time, but this journey was the start of something incredible, the Marathon des Sables.


Also read

Fuelling for a Multi-Day HERE

How to choose a Sleeping Bag HERE

Top Tips to better Multi-Day Running HERE

Fastpacking Guide HERE

Winter Fastpacking HERE

Walking with poles HERE

Walking efficiency when climbing HERE

Long Term Goal Setting HERE

MDS as it is affectionately known paved the way not only for multi-day desert racing but ‘all’ multi-day racing, be that in snow, ice, rainforest, jungle or the mountains. If multi-day racing was the mafia, MDS would be the Corleone family and Patrick Bauer would be the Godfather – Don Vito Corleone.

All multi-day races have followed and tried to replicate the MDS format, however, the reality is, I have yet to experience a race that matches the size, the scale, the organisation and awe-inspiring splendor of what Bauer and his team have created in the Sahara. Ask anyone, despite experience, despite achievement, MDS is usually ‘on the bucket list!’ It’s fair to say, that MDS is directly attributable for many new ultra-runners. You see, MDS offers more than just running, it offers a challenge, it offers something quite unique – the Sahara and the MDS strips the runner back to basics and deprives them of all luxuries so that they are stripped raw. Runners find themselves in the desert.

2023 Update

Patrick Bauer has stepped aside as the head of Marathon des Sables. 2024 will signify a new team with some familiar faces.

There will be significant changes that will take place for the 38th (2024) MDS. There are 3 key points:

Words as provided by Marathon des Sables.

Point 1:

The 38th MARATHON DES SABLES will take place over 5 stages instead of 6 previously. The total distance, around 250 km, does not change, and this will only slightly change the distance of each stage:

  • Stage 1 from 28 to 35 km
  • Stage 2 from 28 to 39 km
  • Stage 3 from 28 to 39 km
  • Stage 4 (The Long One) from 75 to 85 km (over 2 days)
  • Stage 5 (Marathon Stage) of 42.195 km

The removal of the sixth stage will allow everyone to celebrate obtaining the Finisher medal at the end of the Marathon stage: no more stress about the ten kilometers of the sixth stage! This will also allow us to offer a more substantial Solidarity program associated with this same Marathon stage, which will strengthen support for the Solidarity MARATHON DES SABLES association.

Point 2:

The MARATHON DES SABLES is contested in food self-sufficiency: only water, in limited quantities but sufficient to cover the needs of an athlete evolving in the desert, is provided to you each day. You must take along for your entire stay in the desert everything you need to eat and prepare to eat (freeze-dried meals, semolina, cereal bars, stove, etc.). This self-sufficiency will include for this 38th edition the day of your arrival in the desert, and the day of control preceding the race. These first two days will allow you to test yourself in real desert conditions, and to reduce sanitary risks.

Point 3:

To offer you more flexibility, and to reduce the carbon footprint of the event, we will charter fewer planes than in previous years. Only 400 places will be available from Paris, and 200 from London. As usual, we will of course take you from OUARZAZATE airport to the first bivouac, in the heart of the desert. And for those who wish, free shuttles will be set up from MARRAKECH to allow you to easily reach OUARZAZATE. You will thus have the possibility of anticipating or extending your stay, or of being joined by your family, much more simply than before.

It is recommended you listen to a podcast with co-owner and CEO Cyril Gauthier. Listen HERE.

Do you need a 12-week and/ or 24-week Multi-Day Training Plan perfect for a multi-day adventure or a race like Marathon des Sables? They are designed to provide you with a structured weekly plan culminating in a target event.


If you have entered MDS or another self-sufficient multi-day race or adventure, you will be asking:

“What equipment do I need?”

This question is the same for many other desert races but I need to be clear, not all races are the same. For example, MDS requires the runner to be completely self-sufficient. This harks back to Bauer’s pioneering expedition in 1984. The runner must carry ‘all’ they need for the duration of the event, the only exception being:


Bivouac – A simple tent cover is provided at the end of each day and this tent must be shared with 7 other runners.

Water – Water is provided in bivouac and out on the course but is rationed.

Anything else the runner needs must be carried – pack, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, food, snacks, luxuries etc.…

The above format is very similar for races such as the Grand to Grand in the USA, Racing the Planet races such as Atacama, Gobi and so on.

So, items discussed in this post directly relate to a ‘self-sufficient’ race in the MDS style. To clarify, races such as The Coastal Challenge in Costa Rica, Big Red Run in Australia and The Namibian Crossing in South Africa are ‘semi’ self-sufficient races and therefore runners can carry far less items and often bags are transported each day and therefore the runner can run light and fast. However, please keep in mind that many of the kit items and needs directly relate and are transferable.

The Detail


Let’s be clear, it is important to note that equipment will not make you complete any race. What it can do is make the process easier and more comfortable. Equipment is something we all must take to any race and finding out what works and doing the research is part of the fun.

If you want to increase your chances of completing your chosen race, commit to the training required, get your head in the correct place and then finish off with the appropriate equipment for the job. Far too many stress about what equipment they need and neglect the appropriate training.


Multi-day racing in its purest form should be very simple. However, over the year’s deciding what equipment to take has become increasingly more complicated.

It shouldn’t be complicated and in all honesty, it isn’t!

Here is just a list of absolute essentials, one could say that this list is mandatory:

  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Buff
  • Jacket (usually down)
  • T-Shirt
  • Shorts/ Skort
  • Socks
  • Shoes
  • Gaiters
  • Rucksack
  • Sleeping Mat (optional)
  • Sleeping bag
  • Head Torch
  • Flip-flops or similar
  • Toilet paper
  • Personal medical kit (feet etc.)
  • Spot Tracker (supplied at MDS, optional at other races)
  • Road Book (supplied)
  • Salt Tablets (supplied)
  • *Food for the required days
  • **Mandatory kit
  • ***Water

Optional items:

  • Warm jacket (usually down that packs small and light) – I consider this essential and not optional
  • Stove and Esbit fuel blocks
  • Sleeping bag liner
  • Spare socks
  • Walking Poles
  • Goggles
  • Spare clothes (?)


  • Mp3 player
  • Phone
  • Solar charger
  • Kitchen sink…



Any multi-day race has (arguably) five types of participant:

  1. The elite races who will contest the high-ranking positions.
  2. Top age groupers who will look to race for a high place and test themselves overall.
  3. Competitive runners looking for a challenge.
  4. Those who wish to complete and not compete.
  5. Newbies who are out of their comfort zone looking to finish at all costs.


When one looks at kit and requirements, it’s easy to think that the needs of the top elites in group 1 will vary from those in group 5. I would arguably say no! All the runners need the same things; they all must carry the same mandatory kit and they all must carry the same minimum food requirement.


I think the differences come with experience. Novices and newbies will more than likely prepare for the unknown, the ‘just in case’ scenario. Whereas top runners will be on a minimum, the absolute minimum. Groups 2- 4 are a mix of groups 1 and 5 and they fall somewhere between.

So, for me, groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 should (where possible) aim to be like group 1. The only key difference comes with shoe choice. Runners who will spend much longer on their feet and out on the course will most definitely need a shoe that can withstand that pressure and the shoe must also be good for walking. Groups 2-5 never fully appreciate (often until it’s too late) how much they will walk in a desert race.



When looking at equipment, I am going to provide a brief synopsis and then some recommendations. I will then supply ‘my’ equipment list.

I strongly advice using a tool such as LIGHTERPACK which is a great tool. Here is an example of one of my personal fastpack lists.

Hat – A hat is essential to keep the sun off your head; options exist that have a neck cover built in to avoid that delicate area that will almost certainly be in the sun all day.

Sunglasses – So many choice, but you need a good pair that has ideally a large lens to protect the eye. Some desert specific sunglasses include a brow pad that helps stop sweat dripping in your eye. Do you need prescription? If so, I use prescription Oakley and they are excellent. Do you need goggles? Yes and no. If you have good sunglasses with good coverage, then no. However, should a sand storm hit, it can be uncomfortable. Goggles guarantee no sand in the eyes.

Buff – A buff or even two are essential. One around the neck helps keep the sun off and you can also wet it to help reduce core temperature. In wind and sand storms, the Buff is lifted and protects mouth, nose and sometimes eyes. A spare Buff is a luxury but worth considering.

Jacket – Jacket choice will depend on sleeping bag choice. If you are using a light bag, a lightweight down jacket is an essential item. Häglofs Essens at 160g is the best I have ever used.

T-Shirt – It’s not rocket science, you will have been running in a shirt already, if it works, why change it? I read countless arguments about should it be black or white – you know what, it doesn’t matter. Look at the elite runners, they are often sponsored and have little or no choice on colour. Comfort however is key.

Shorts/ Skort – Same answer as T-Shirt.

Socks – Getting the correct socks are key for any race and like I have said for shirt and shorts, if you have socks that work, why change? So many options exist but for me I am a firm believer in Injinji toe socks.

Shoes – Read HERE – Shoes are personal and must be suited to you, the individual. Consider your gait (neutral, supinate or pronate), consider time on feet, consider your weight, consider how much you will walk (and then double it) also consider shoe drop and how much cushioning you need. It’s impossible to recommend any one shoe because of these variables. You will see top runners using a lighter shoe, remember, these shoes only need to last 20-30 hours. However, you may well need a shoe for 40, 50 or 60-hours. Do you need a trail shoe? No, you don’t need a trail shoe but I would say that many trail shoes are more durable as they are designed for the rough and tumble of variable terrain. Do you need an aggressive outsole? No, you don’t, but I do think some grip is better than none and therefore I would use a trail shoe over road. Protection? Toe box protection is a good idea as deserts include lots or rocks, far more than you may think. Do I need a size bigger? Shoe sizing does depend on what is ‘normal’ for you. I always recommend a thumb nail of space above the big toe, you don’t need any more than this. Recommendations of going a size is bigger is bad advice in my opinion. A shoe that is too large allows your foot to move, a moving foot causes friction, friction causes blisters and the rest is the same old story that I see at desert races all over the world. However, I would recommend a shoe with a little more width in the toe box, this will allow for some comfort as the days progress. If you are prone to feet swelling, discomfort, blisters and so on, get a strategy sorted before you head out to your chosen race.

Gaiters – Are essential and they should be sewn and glued on to the shoe to guarantee that no sand can enter. Raidlight and MyRaceKit are both recommended.

Rucksack – A rucksack is one of the most essential items for the race as it will hold on your kit for the duration of the event. Many versions exist and the type of pack you choose depends on many things: Male/ Female, Small/ Large, Tall/ Short and so on. Some packs just don’t work for some people. You also need to consider if you need a front pack to hold essential items. How will you drink on the go? How much do you plan to run in comparison to walk? I have some simple advice:

  • Keep the pack as small as possible, if you have a bigger pack you will just fill it.
  • Keep the pack simple – far too many packs are over complicated and messy
  • Keep the pack light
  • Make sure that drinks are accessible, easy to use and don’t bounce
  • See how the pack feels full with all food and then see how the pack feels with 5-days food missing.
  • Make sure you can access ‘on the go’ essentials.

Raidlight used to be ‘the’ pack for a multi-day race but that has changed in recent years. For sure, Raidlight are still one of the main options, however, the Ultimate Direction Fastpack is slowly but surely becoming a favourite. New entries to the market are coming from Salomon, Montane and OMM have been making packs for multi-day adventures for years.

Sleeping Mat (optional) – Inflatable, Foam or no mat. I’m a firm believer in taking a mat, the weight v comfort is a no brainer. I would also choose an inflatable mat even though it does run a risk of puncture. However, with good admin, good care, and years of using inflatable I have never had an issue. A foam mat is guaranteed to last the race but for me is large and cumbersome. OMM make a very thin foam mat that they use as the back padding for their packs – this may be a god option for the real minimalist runner. Look at products from Thermarest, Sea to Summit, Klymvit and OMM.

Sleeping bag – Like the pack, a sleeping bag is a key item is it is likely to be the largest and heaviest item (except food and water) that you will carry. A sleeping bag is important as a good night’s rest is key for day-to-day running. I will always go with a sleeping bag and down jacket scenario is this for me provides less weight, less packed size, more flexibility and the option to get warmer at night by wearing the jacket inside the bag. Problem is, this comes at a price. Also, consider your size, shoulder width, height and so on. Some bags are very small whereas bags such as PHD and Yeti can be purchased in small, medium or large. Recommended bags are PHD (custom or off-the peg), Yeti, Western Mountaineering, Häglofs, RAB, OMM (not down) and Raidlight. Read HERE

Head Torch – Don’t compromise, you need a good head-torch that provides enough light for running in a black desert at night. Don’t use rechargeable or a torch with gizmos. You just ideally need variable power, a red-light option so you don’t disturb others at night and it will either take AA or AAA batteries. Recommendations are Black Diamond, Petzl, Silva or LED Lenser.

Flip-flops – Free slippers that hotels give away are popular as they are small, fold and are lightweight. However, they don’t stay on and they don’t protect from thorns or stones. Cheap, lightweight plastic or rubber flip flops work for me. I have seen some improvised flip-flops made from run shoe insoles and some string. It’s that group 1 to group 5 scenario again!

Personal medical kit (feet etc.) – Foot care is essential and although many races have a medical team on hand to look after you and your feet, understanding how to do this yourself is key. learn foot care and treatment and understand how to tape your feet. Ready-made foot care kits are available such as this at MyRaceKit here

Spot Tracker (supplied at MDS, optional at other races)

Road Book (supplied)

*Food for the required days – (see clarification below). Food is very personal and it’s imperative you find out what works for you based on your size, gender, calorie burn and speed of running. The front runners will use carbohydrate and fat as fuel as they will run at a faster pace and therefore they will potentially fuel ‘during’ each stage with carbs. However, as you move through the pack going into groups 2-5 the need for fat as a fuel is more important and therefore ALL runners before heading out to any multi-stage race should ideally have taught their bodies to use fat – we have an unlimited supply of this fuel! Post run it’s important to repair, we need protein for this and re-stock energy supplies, we need carbs for this. Dehydrated meals for many runners form the basis of a morning meal and evening meal. Many options are available, some people can eat anything, others are very particular. Keep in mind allergies such as gluten intolerance and decide in advance will you go hot or cold food. For me, the additional weight of a Titanium stove and fuel is worth it for hot food and a drink. We sampled some dehydrated food in 2015 HERE. In 2015 I worked hard to reduce pack weight to the minimum with a coaching client and we made sure we dialled food choices in to provide desired calorie needs but also keep weight low.

Recommended meals FIREPOT

As an example:

  • Dehydrated Meals x6 672g
  • Dried Mango 93g x 4 372g
  • Porridge 59g x 7 413g
  • Coffee 1g x 10 10g
  • Peanut Butter 33g x 5 165g
  • Honey 21g x 8 168g
  • Mini Salami 10g x 10 100g
  • Tropical Mix Bag 194g
  • Sesame Bites 27g x 6 162g
  • Dried Banana Block 270g
  • Mixed Nuts 200g x 2 400g
  • Macademia Nuts Bag 153g
  • Cranberries Bag 175g
  • Pitta Wraps 296g

Total Weight 3550g

**Mandatory kit – see clarification

***Water – see clarification

EQUIPMENT LIST as an example


It’s important to note that equipment must be specific to the race you are doing and race conditions. The list below is an example of equipment for Marathon des Sables. However, if I was going to Atacama or the Grand to Grand (both self-sufficient) I would be looking at a heavier and warmer sleeping bag and a warmer jacket. Temperatures at night get much colder than the Sahara. The Grand to Grand can also have rain, so that would need consideration.

It’s important to note that equipment will not make you complete any race. What it can do is make the process easier and more comfortable. If you were looking for a one-stop solution, I would say that if you went away and purchased the equipment list below, you would have a comfortable and successful race. The exceptions come with shoes, that is personal and food. Food choices below are personal but a good example, you must find what works for you.

Also, note that minimum pack weight (on day one) at MDS is 6.5kg. So, you can keep purchasing lighter and lighter and then find that you are too light. I have done this. The plus side of this, is that lighter equipment allows you to take more food and/ or more options – again a good thing. For example, in my equipment list, I could go with a slightly lighter jacket, I could not take poles and I could leave the iPods at home and that would allow me 2 or 3 more dehydrated meals. However, I would prefer the equipment I want and am happy with and add 2,3,4 or 500g for the first day. Remember, the pack gets lighter as the day’s pass.


Hat: A good hat that will keep the sun off your head, the option to have neck coverage is a good idea and ideally make sure the inside of the peak is black. It reduces flare from the sand.


Shirt: A good t-shirt that provides coverage for the shoulders, is light and breathable.


Shorts: Lightweight shorts that cause no irritation or friction.


Socks: Injinji Trail Midweight or Injinji Outdoor 2.0 (which is Merino wool)


Shoes: Ultimately a shoe must fit you and fit well. There is no need to go larger, on the contrary, a shoe that is too large allows ones foot to move, a moving foot creates friction and friction creates blisters! However, a wider toe box can be a good option, depending on individual foot shape. Read HERE about how a shoe should fit. Consider how long you will be on your feet, the demands on a shoe are very different for someone who will finish in 20-hours in comparison to someone who will take 60-hours. Consider body weight too; a heavier individual may well need a more substantial shoe. For a race like MDS, a trail shoe is not essential, but for most preferable. Good shoe options for ‘neutral’ runners: Nike Wildhorse, inov-8 Trail Talon, Hoka One One are very popular and for zero-drop enthusiasts, Altra and inov-8 Terraultra G270. Gaiters are essential and typically Raidlight or MyRaceKit are the most popular. You can glue them on (with care and ideally some experience) but most people have them sewn on via Kevin Bradley at Alex Shoe Repairs.

Watch: Coros Vertix  – The Coros range of watches have made a huge difference in the ultra world. The Vertix will last the whole of a race like Marathon des Sables on one charge. Here

Buff: Any

Glasses: Oakley Prescription – Prizm Trail Flak 2.0 has interchangeable lenses so I can switch from clear and smoke



*Ultimate Direction Fastpack 25 555g – It’s a simple pack that is light, fits to the torso well, comes in S/M or M/L, holds two large bottles comfortably against the torso and importantly they don’t bounce and it has 3 external stretch pockets. The main compartment has a roll-top closure, so, as pack contents get less, you can roll the pack smaller to reduce any problems with contents moving around. *This pack has had some upgrades and changes. Here

Worth considering now are new packs from Montane such as the Trailblazer 30 (no bottle up at the front) and the OMM Phantom 25 (the OMM has had some criticism on durability).


Häglofs Essens 160g – is super light jacket with treated down suitable for a multitude of conditions – here

PHD Minimus K Sleeping Bag 380g – PHD work for me, you can have them custom made with or without zips and they are excellent. Yeti make a bag that is more than 100g lighter but I prefer the warmth and comfort of the PHD. Here


Thermarest Prolite Small 310g – Small, comfortable and you can double up and use it as padding in your pack OR Sea to Summit (here)


Black Diamond Carbon Z Poles 290g – Lightweight and folding that provide 4-wheel drive when walking.


Black Diamond Spot Headtorch w/ batteries and spares 120g – Powerful (200 lumens), lightweight with many varied settings.


Esbit Stove 11g – Small, lightweight and simple.


Esbit Titanium Pot 106g – Small, lightweight and durable.


Esbit Fuel 168g


iPod Shuffle x2 64g – Life saver

Spare Socks 91g – Injinji Trail Midweight or Injinji Outdoor 2.0 (which is Merino wool) 

Flip-Flops 150g – But Xero True Feel are good.


Total Weight 2406g If I was looking to be very minimalist and as light as possible, I would not take the stove, pot and fuel and the poles, total 1831g. But, I would probably prefer the option for hot food/ drinks and work around no poles, so total weight would be 2116g.


  • Compeed 22g
  • Sportshield 8g
  • Corn Wraps 8g
  • Spork 10g
  • Pen Knife 22g
  • Compass 32g
  • Matches 20g
  • Savlon Antiseptic 18g
  • Toothpaste 36g
  • Tooth Brush 15g
  • Superglue 3g
  • Space Blanket 60g
  • Hand Gel 59g
  • Wipes 85g
  • Toilet Paper 36g
  • Safety Pins 5g
  • Ear Plugs 2g
  • Venom Pump 28g
  • Blindfold 15g
  • Sun Cream 80g
  • Whistle 15g
  • Signal Mirror 12g
  • SPOT Tracker 113g

Total Weight 806g


Pack and Main Kit Contents: 2406g

Extras: 806g

Food: 3550g

Total 6762g

This pack weight includes poles and cooking utensils plus luxuries like Mp3

 (water would be added to this weight)




I enjoy the process of looking at kit, looking at the options available and working out what is best for me and my situation. In some respects, I am lucky as I can test many items out in the market place and decide what I do and what I don’t like. However, trust me, products these days are so good that you can’t go wrong with almost any of the choices. Yeti, PHD, Haglofs etc. all make great sleeping bags, they will all work. Mountain Hardwear, Yeti, Mont-Bell etc. down jackets are all excellent, they all work. I could go on, but you get the picture. Like I said at the beginning, multi-day and desert racing is not complicated, don’t make it so. The only item you need to be sure on is shoes, make sure you get that right. But then again, I am sure you were running before you entered your multi-day race? You were using run shoes, be them road or trail and one must assume that they gave you no problems? If the answer is yes – why change them!


Finally, we all love equipment and gadgets, it’s fun to go shopping and get new items. However, being physically fit and mentally strong is what will get you to the finish line – equipment is just part of the process, remember that.

Good luck!



*Food (As required at Marathon des Sables)

He/she must select the type of food best suited to his/her personal needs, health, weather conditions, weight and backpack conditions. We remind you that airlines strictly forbid the carrying of gas (for cooking) on board either as hand luggage or otherwise. Each competitor must have 14 000 k/calories, that is to say a minimum of 2,000 k/calories per day, otherwise he/she will be penalized (see ART. 27 and 28). Any food out of its original packaging must be equipped, legibly, of the nutrition label shown on the product concerned. Any food out its original packaging must be equipped, legibly, of the nutrition label shown on the product concerned. 

**Mandatory Kit (as specified at Marathon des Sables)

  • 10 safety pins
  • Compass 1deg precision
  • Whistle
  • Knife
  • Disinfectant
  • Venom pump
  • Signal mirror
  • Survival blanket
  • Sun cream
  • 200-euro note
  • Passport
  • Medical certificate

***Water (as specified for Marathon des Sables)

Liaison stage: 10.5 liters per person per day

  • 1.5 liters before the start each morning,
  • 2 or 3 x 1.5 liters during the race, at check points,
  • 4.5 liters at arrival post.

Marathon stage: 12 liters per person per day:

  • 1.5 litre before the start in the morning,
  • 1.5 liters at check-points 1 and 3,
  • 3 liters at check-point 2,
  • 4.5 liters at arrival post. 

Non-stop stage: 22.5 liters per person over 2 days:

  • 1.5 liters before the start of the race in the morning,
  • 1.5 liters at check-points 1, 3, 6,
  • 1.5 or 3 liters at check-points 2, 4 and 5,
  • 4.5 liters at arrival post,
  • 4.5 liters at the bivouac.

Why not join our Multi-Day Training Camp in Lanzarote. The camp takes place in January each year.

Information HERE


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Episode 238 – MDS special with CYRIL GAUTHIER

Episode 238 of Talk Ultra – After 37-years, the iconic Marathon des Sables will move ahead with new owners, the legacy of Patrick Bauer is there for all of us to see. With new owners comes change and in this episode of Talk Ultra, we discuss these changes with co-owner and CEO Cyril Gauthier.

Cyril Gauthier with Patrick Bauer at the 37th MDS ©iancorless

This in-depth podcast discusses the history and background of Cyril Gauthier and then organically follows through to discuss the brand WAA, the growth of HMDS and the future and changes for Marathon des Sables.

UPDATE – This was not addressed in my podcast, at the time, I did not have the facts. However, post podcast I have had questions raised by some who had concern about medical support and the Doctor team, so I reached out for an answer, and I quote:

“We will try to do better than with Doc Trotter. I have been contracted with DoK Ever since the beginning of HMDS. They were also the ones who managed MDS Peru. They are among the leaders in Europe and I believe we can increase the quality. We have the same number of doctors, podiatrists and nurses: 60. I am going to modify the management of vehicles by keeping the current system but adding a rapid intervention force with SSVs. Always with the helicopter as back up.” – Cyril Gauthier

It’s suggested you read this article written Jube 2023 in advance of this recording.

Marathon des Sables 2024 #MDS – The New Features Discussed



Also available on ANCHOR

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