MDS CAPPADOCIA 2024 – Stage 1

Female participation at MDS Cappadocia at 60%

The 2024 first edition of MDS Cappadocia got underway today, three stages with a potential longest distance of 120km’s and options to run 71.9km/ 92.8km and 110.5km based on the desired distance of stage 2.

A unique playground

Stage 1 25km

Stage 2 20.9km/ 41.8km/ 59.5km

Stage 3 26km

Bib collection and admin checks

Many participants arrived in Turkey on Friday or Saturday with admin taking place on Saturday afternoon ahead of a relaxed dinner followed by a comfortable night in Suhan Cappadocia Hotel in Avanos.

Suhan Hotel, some luxury before self-sufficiency

Stage 1 began with a relaxed breakfast and 0800 departure to the start of the race and the beginning of self-sufficiency.

The challenge ahead

At 0900 briefing began and at 0930, the runners departed for 25km and 678m of elevation gain.

Cyril Gauthier

In contrast to MDS The Legendary and other MDS races, Cappadocia is not a desert race. Although the landscape has a desert feel, the route is much more single-track, mountain paths, grassland and of course it is all encompassed within the unique landscape of this area.

Troglodyte Caves a unique feature of Cappadocia

The Göreme valley is captivating, especially if never seen before.

Single-track trails

For the participants, it was the start of a journey of discovery and at each point throughout stage, the beauty and experience was one that was passed on to MDS staff during and afterwards.

A hot day, cold water at CP’s make all the difference

A hot day, with a recorded high of 33-degrees, however, a gentle wind throughout many sections of the race helped to cool. Main CP’s also offered iced water which was poured on the heads and necks to facilitate cooling the core.

It wasn’t all flat and easy.

The stage was won in 02:29:40 by Keven Moncelli. Hugo Brincard and Alexandre Mallier were 2nd and 3rd, 02:32:41 and 02:39:08 respectively.

A unique and magical playground

For the women, Maryline Demangel finished ahead of Axelle Bellec and Gudrun Hespel, 03:10:59, 03:20:23 and 03:39:08.

Stage 1 finish and the bivouac for the coming days is a hidden away gem backed by the unique Troglodyte homes, cut away in the rock that makes Cappadocia so unique and special.

Stage 2 (Monday) has an early wake-op of 03:30, briefing at 04:30 and the start of the stage at 05:00. Runner’s are able to choose the distance to cover.

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