RUNNING BEYOND – A new book announcement


Multiple meetings, trips backwards and forwards to London and I am pleased to say that I can now announce that I will have a new book available in late (September tbc) 2016.

It has been a long term dream to find the backing of a publisher and I am pleased to say that Aurum Press Ltd (Here) have had the trust to allow me to produce a book on a sport I love through photography and words.

An added bonus is that Kilian Jornet has agreed to write the foreword.

A work in progress, I anticipate some long days and nights as I evolve this project. I hope through imagery and words it will be an inspiration to those who look at it and read it.

Grubby pages with repeated use, I’d like to see multiple ‘post it’ notes marking races for future ‘bucket lists’ and most of all I hope it will be a book that allows you to dream.

Wish me luck as I put this together. Many thanks for the continued support and most importantly, thanks to Aurum Press Ltd, Kilian Jornet and all the wonderful races and people around the world who have afforded me the opportunity to make a dream a reality.


*Please note the cover is just an illustration. I anticipate a new cover for the actual book.


6 thoughts on “RUNNING BEYOND – A new book announcement

  1. This is fantastic news about the new book I can’t wait to read it. I love your articles every week on this truly amazing sport. Good luck

  2. Pingback: Episode 89 – Mangan and Carr : Around the World Special | Ian Corless host of Talk Ultra podcast

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