Is ‘Threshold’ the most misunderstood sports physiology term? It certainly does cause confusion and in many cases, a runner’s perception of threshold is different. Marc Laithwaite takes a look and strips it back-to-basics. What is threshold? To start this conversation, … Continue reading

Aerobic and Anaerobic Energy Explained by Marc Laithwaite

Endurance athletes are familiar with the terms “aerobic” and “anaerobic,” but what do they really mean? Marc Laithwaite provides a very simple explanation to one of the most misunderstood subjects in endurance sports. The Aerobic and Anaerobic Engines. We need … Continue reading

Planning a Training Week by Marc Laithwaite

In recent articles we’ve talked about how to plan you training and how to look ahead with target goals in mind. Marc Laithwaite now narrows our focus and takes a look at a single week of training and how you should plan … Continue reading

Strength Training for Endurance (Part 3) by Marc Laithwaite

This week we look at putting the schedule together for the winter period and how to ‘periodise’ and progress towards summer 2016. Missed part 1 or part 2? Go HERE and HERE Strength training by nature involves high resistance for … Continue reading

Strength Training for Endurance (Part 2) by Marc Laithwaite

Missed part 1? Read HERE first Last week we discussed joint stability and core training, specifically how you can improve your economy by developing a stable platform. I said last week that joint stability comes forst, before you start adding … Continue reading

Strength Training for Endurance (Part 1) by Marc Laithwaite

Strength training for endurance athletes, really? The first thing to overcome, is the relevance of strength work for endurance athletes. We’ve all read articles which quote reduced injury and various other benefits, but realistically, the ‘runner within us’ tells us … Continue reading

FAT a burning question for the long distance runner

Racing in any running race requires a specific and targeted approach to your objective. The objective can be a one day race of a short distance, a medium distance race such as a marathon or maybe you are going to … Continue reading

Damage Limitation by Marc Laithwaite

The term D.O.M.S. is used frequently within the world of endurance, it represents the ‘Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness’. The name refers to the fact that sometimes you don’t actually feel the effects of a training session or race until … Continue reading

How is your Posture? Part Quatre – Marc Laithwaite

Okay, so we’re now onto part 4 of the series and this week we are looking at exercises to correct anterior tilt of the pelvis, which creates the lordosis posture. If you’ve not yet read parts 1, 2 and 3 read … Continue reading

To Base Train Or Not To Base Train

Marc Laithwaite and myself have often discussed in ‘Talk Training’ on Talk Ultra Podcast about BASE TRAINING. Coming from cycling backgrounds, Marc and myself where used to getting in the miles over the winter months as this was imperative to … Continue reading