Dave James to race Copper Canyon


Dave James is to race the Copper Canyon race on March 3rd. Of course, Copper Canyon was made famous n the book “Born to Run’ by Chris McDougall.

Formerly known internationally as the Copper Canyon Ultramarathon and of Born to Run fame. In memory of Micah True “Caballo Blanco,” the race has returned to the name by which it was known in the Canyons, “Ultramaraton Caballo Blanco.”

In an email from Dave, he says:

“I wanted you to be the “first” (besides the new RD) to know and make it official that I will be racing in Copper Canyon on March 3rd in that race that made the book “Born to Run” famous. Apparently, at last years race a former New York City Marathon Champion from Mexico showed up late to the start but was still able to pass all but one of the racers. According to Josue, the new RD who is also the RD for Fuego Y Aqua, he plans to race again and be on time for the start this year ;). There is also a very talented Japanese runner racing and some of the locals that have struggled in USA races such as Run Rabbit Run but obviously do well at home.” Run Strong! Pura Vida 🙂
Thanks Dave! Really appreciate the heads up.
Born to Run author Chris McDougall posted in July 2012

It’s on! Copper Canyon Ultramarathon 2013 is a go.

Caballo’s legacy is in great hands: Caballo’s wonderful girlfriend, Maria, and Josue Stephens — a seasoned race director, ultra runner, and longtime Mas Loco — are heading down to the Copper Canyons this month to lock in logistics with the Presidencia of the host town, Urique. Choosing Josue Stephens as co-director of the race was inspired; he’s smart, tireless, fluently bilingual, and canyon savvy. You couldn’t build a better pick in a lab.
Maria tells me: “The 2013 CBUM (Caballo Blanco Ultramarathon) is progressing beautifully, or as Micah would say organically.” It should be a truly epic event, considering how many veteran Mas Locos will return to the race to wish their friend vaya con dios. Registration is now open on Ultrasignup.
No doubt, Barefoot Ted and his Lunar Monkeys will be there in force.


The Race

http://ultracb.com for more information
In honouring all former traditions of this 50-mile foot race, both cash prizes and food vales (vouchers), are rewarded to the top finishers. 
Runners completing each loop, receive vouchers which provides maize, beans, rice, flour and non-GMO seed corn for their families. This reward ensures nutritional sustenance to both the physical and cultural survival of the Raramuri people.

The celebration will also include the Corrida de los Caballitos Kids’ Run on March 2, 2013, a race for the children of the Canyons, awarding to everyone, finisher medals and shirts.

The Caballo Blanco “Copper Canyon” Ultra Marathon is Directed by Mas Locos: ultrarunner Maria Walton, and by ultrarunner and philanthropic race organizer, Josue Stephens, founder and director of the Fuego y Agua Ultra in Nicaragua.

General Details
  • 50+ miles (80km)
  • Ran on rocky single-track and dust roads
  • Cutoff time is 14 hours
  • Course is marked with white paint on rocks
  • Insured event
  • Medical assistance available
  • Travel Information is here

Ultra Sign Up HERE

The COPPER CANYON website is available HERE