The 95! – The 2016Cape Wrath Ultra™ Starts

CapeWrathUltralogoThe Cape Wrath Ultra™ brought to you by Ourea Events, the team who revived the Dragon’s Back Race are in the countdown days to a once in a lifetime multi-day journey that will test mind and body over 8-days weaving a 400km journey through the Highlands of Scotland.

Starting at Fort William on May 22nd, the race will take runners on an incredible journey in a magnificent and remote part of the world that will culminate in the most northwesterly point of the British Isles, Cape Wrath on May 29th.

Cape Wrath Ultra website HERE


Stunning scenery, remote wilderness, beautiful lochs, glens, towering mountains and the crashing ocean, the Cape Wrath Ultra™ is arguably one of the most stunning multi-day journeys in the world.

A supported expedition, equipment for the competitor’s will be transported day-by-day, tented accommodation and meals will be provided.

In a nutshell, 400km (250-miles) over and through the Scottish Highlands will be the ultimate test for the runners as they navigate via map and compass (GPS are allowed with GPX routes provided by Ourea Events) over 8-days over multiple distances with a variety of terrain and elevation gain.

Today, 95 runners arrived in Fort William to register, collect numbers and leave drop bags in preparation of the race to start tomorrow, Sunday 22nd May at 1000 hours.

Over the coming days, you will be able to follow these 95 runners via live tracking as they weave their way north. We thought it only appropriate that you can put a face to the name. Here are the 95!

Cape Wrath Ultra Website HERECapeWrathUltralogo
