Episode 193 – Damian Hall Pennine Way FKT

Episode 193 – Has a great an interview with Damian Hall on his Pennine Way FKT.
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Read about Fastpacking HERE
A review of the NEMO Hornet 1P Tent HERE
FREEDOM in a Pandemic HERE
Shoe reviews of the VJ Sport IROCK 3 HERE and the inov-8 TERRAULTRA G270 HERE
Tips for the TRAIL:

FKT’s posted on last show:
* Franco Colle new FKT on Monte Rosa from Gressoney
* Nadir Maguet – Gran Paradiso FKT 2:02:32
* Erik Clavery GR10 9 days 9 hours and a few minutes
* Davide Magnini Ortles FKT 2:18:15
* Kim Collison 24h Lakes achieves 78 Peaks
* Sabrina Verjeee Wainwrights (wishes not to claim)
* Dylan Bowman Loowit Trail 5:11:49
* Josh Pulattie Oregon Coast Trail 12 days 10 hours 25 min
* Candice Burt Tahoe Rim Trail 2 days 12 hours 47 min
* John Kelly Pennine Way 2 days 16 hours 40 min
* Sarah Hansel (57:43) & Joey Campanelli (41:00) for Nolans 14
* Tom Hollins Dales Mountain 30 (130 miles, 30 summits) 41 hrs
Adam Kimble new FKT on Tahoe Rim Trail, USA
Damian Hall new FKT for the Pennine Way, UK
Adam Jacobs new FKT for Hertfordshire Way, UK
Carla Molinaro new FKT for the JOGLE, UK
Beth Pascall new FKT for the Bob Graham Round, UK and set 5th fastest time.
Check FKT website for latest updates https://fastestknowntime.com/
In other news…
Asif Amirat in the UK is still creating a stir with his 100-marathons in 100-days. Many have been questioning his runs and becoming very vocal on social media. I have reached out to Asif for an interview. At first he was cooperative, however, after I asked several probing questions, he blocked me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Montreux Trail Running Festival – Switzerland COMPLETED
Full results are online here https://montreuxtrail.livetrail.net/ in the main event 112km Jean-Philippe Tschumi and Ragna Debats were crowned champions. Remy Bonnet and Maud Mathys won the 30km.
Speedgoat 50k – USA COMPLETED
Noah Brautigam pipped Hatden Hawks and Anthony Costales to the top slot with Michel Hummel placing 6th on GC and winning the women’s race. Kristina Trystad-Saari and Lelly Wolf were 2nd and 3rd.
Fjallmaraton – Sweden – COMPLETED
Simen Hjalmar Wästlund (Norway) took a surprise victory of UTMB Champion, Pau Capell. In 3rd, Johan Lantz. Times8:50:04, 0:04:49 and 9:35:38.
Azara Garcia took the top slot for the women and placed 9th overall in 10:37:52. Anna Carlsson and Lena Trillelv were 2nd and 3rd.
In the 43km, Tove Alexandersson and Olle Kalered took the top slots
Rondane 100 – Norway – August 15h
Pyrenees Stage Run – Spain (now postponed to 2021)
Marathon des Sables – Morocco (now postponed to 2021)


Top ultramarathon runner Damian Hall has set a new record time for the 268-mile Pennine Way – while also cleaning the trail of litter at the same time.

The 44-year-old inov-8 ambassador completed the iconic route from Kirk Yetholm in the Scottish Borders to Edale, Derbyshire, which includes a section along Hadrian’s Wall, in an incredible time of 61 hours 34 minutes, beating the previous record by more than three hours.

The Pennine Way is Great Britain’s oldest – and arguably toughest – National Trail. Much of it is over remote, boggy hills, with a total ascent that exceeds the height of Mount Everest.

Popular with hikers, who usually complete it in 16-19 days, Hall did it in just two-and-a-half, battling sleep exhaustion and all manner of tough weather conditions along the way.

Damian and his team of pacers also helped clean the famous trail of litter as they ran, stuffing it in their packs before handing it to support team members at road crossing meet-up points.

“I feel overwhelmed, really. I remember writing about Mike Hartley’s 1989 record in the Pennine Way guidebook before I got into running and thinking ‘That’s insane, I could never do that!’It was a huge team effort and I couldn’t have made it happen without the support of my road crew, pacers and the people we met along the way. I had the inevitable low spells, but the incredible team got me through them. I felt hugely motivated by three things and had FFF written on my arm in permanent marker as a reminder. They stood for Family, Friends, Future – the latter relating to our need to protect the planet. There wasn’t lots of litter on the trails, but we picked up anything we saw. The road support crew did likewise from the places they met me at along the way. Also, the whole attempt has been certified as ‘carbon negative’ by Our Carbon, as has all my running and my family’s lifestyle for 2020.”

The record Hall beat had previously been set just a week earlier by his friend John Kelly (64 hours 46 minutes); an American ultramarathon runner now based in England. Listen to John Kelly on EP182 HERE – Before that it had stood unbeaten for 31 years, belonging to legend of the long-distance running sport, Mike Hartley, who ran 65 hours 20 minutes in 1989. Kelly ran the route south to north, starting in Edale, while Hall followed in the footsteps of Hartley by doing it north to south. Either way, the route is regarded as one of the toughest in the UK.

Damian, has achieved a great deal in recent year’s and notably finished 5th at UTMB as well as setting other FKT’s. This FKT was fuelled without animal products or plastic waste, while raising more than £4,000 on a JustGiving page for Greenpeace UK.

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FREEDOM in a Pandemic

Another summit in Norway with Abelone.

In recent weeks, as restrictions on travel, social distancing and borders open, it has somehow felt that living in the times of a Pandemic is a little like toeing the line at Big’s Backyard Ultra. Instead of running loops around a yard, we wake up each morning for another loop of 24-hours not knowing where the finish line is and when it will come.

Covid-19 for us runners is a very unique ultramarathon.

In all honesty, I do believe that ultra-runners are somehow better adapted for the challenges that a Pandemic brings. Mental fortitude and resilience have come to the fore and when restrictions were really tough, runners rallied with running at home. Virtual suddenly became the next big thing. It filled a gap and brought people together from all over the world in a mutual coming together to enjoy a love of sport and community.

The impact on work has been huge for all and the consequences of this will continue on for months and years on personal levels and business. It’s a sad time.

But early on, I accepted that 2020 would be a wipe out. Being somewhat of an OCD character, this took a little time to adjust too. My year of work was planned out. The schedule was timetabled and suddenly, it was gone… What was full, soon became empty. I have felt my moods swing with positivity and at times I have wanted to put my head in my hands.

But quarantine and social distancing, in all honesty, was no big deal for me. I actually feel that I have social distanced most of my life and sport has only reaffirmed that.

Yes, I enjoy the company of friends. Yes, I enjoy a trail run with company. Yes, I enjoy a beer and a meal with others and yes, I have missed my family.

The summit os Slogen, Norway in July with Abelone.

But I am good alone, in isolation and finding my own footing. Time on the trail has always allowed me to switch off, think, contemplate, plan, work out problems, come up with solutions and form ideas.

When running with others, I am often asked, ‘Are you ok? You are quiet!’

‘I am perfect; I am just out of the office and soaking up the time,’ often my reply. 

In recent months, or should I say for the whole of 2020 so far, I have immersed myself in a new life in Norway with my girlfriend, Abelone.

Little did we both know in February after being at The Coastal Challenge in Costa Rica that we would spend 24/7 for the coming months together. I laughed early on saying, ‘Well, this is one way to find out if this relationship will work!’

It has been the best thing to come from a Pandemic.

FREEDOM is something I always had being self-employed but the freedom to do ‘my’ adventures was dictated by travel and a hectic work schedule. Freedom often only really came in the middle of the year when I would block off some time in Summer and then December, which I would treat as sacred and my opportunity to explore and adventure.

2020 has seen my diary flipped with little or no work and constant adventure. 

Here is Scandinavia, we were very lucky with Covid (exception coming from Sweden who handled things differently,) particularly in Norway, cases were low, death rates were low and although social distancing was required, our freedom was not impacted. In all honesty, many locals confirmed that the trails in Norway had never had so many people on them in March, April and May. No doubt helped by some amazing weather. 

Scandinavians love the outdoor life and Covid only emphasized the need for space, outdoor adventure and exercise. A wonderful mental and physical prescription that all doctors should prescribe. 

I am used to travelling when I like, eating in restaurants, meeting friends when I want, and I am used to being surrounded by people at a race. Some would say I was free.

But was I?

August is here and I am now looking back at social interactions in 2020 since March and lockdown.

  • I have seen no family.
  • I have seen 4 friends in Norway.
  • I have run on the trails with Abelone and one other person who we had to social distance with.
  • I have interacted with 3 members of Abelone’s family.

And that is it…

So, my freedom was and is still certainly impacted upon and I relish the opportunity to hug a friend, travel back to the UK and see my Mum and my son and equally embrace them like never before.

But no work has allowed me a freedom of time, not financial, to do what I want.

Adventure is on the doorstep for us all.

Now, here in Norway we have a pretty big doorstep. At a third larger than the UK, getting around Norway can take a while but with just 5.5 million people in contrast to 66 million, finding space and social distancing is no problem. Hardanger, Stranda, Romsdal, and Jotunheimen have all been on our list and even 1,2 or 3-day adventures from home have become regular.

Just yesterday, we ran 15km from home, wild camped in an isolated location and then ran 15km home.

I have always been a lone wolf with adventure. At best, I have shared an experience with just one or two others. I like my pace, my schedule and my itinerary and am somewhat inflexible, yes stubborn with changes and I do like to plan. I can see Abelone roll her eyes now…!

Photo ©JanNyka

The escape of outdoor life has always provided me with an energy. I even got that with my work, often hiking out for hours on a trail to sit and wait, alone, for runners to come. 

So, what am I saying?

The Pandemic is rubbish, for sure. Is it going away? I hope so, as soon as possible, but as I said at the beginning, currently we are all running loops at Big’s Backyard Ultra and nobody knows how many loops are to go and when the finishing will come. 

One thing we do have, albeit at varying levels depending on where one lives in the world, is freedom to explore from home. So, embrace what you have and do not think or focus on what you do not have or what you cannot do.

It’s no surprise that FKT’s have never been more popular. 

Many have said, ‘I cannot wait for life to return to normal!’ I agree to a certain extent, normal would be good… But then again, was normal good?

Will life ever be ‘normal’ again, or, are we looking at a new normal?

I don’t have answers.

But I will keep running the loops and enjoy the newfound freedom I have for now.


Have you found freedom in 2020? I would love to know.

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Episode 74 – Anderson, Gash, Nelson, Forsberg


Episode 74 of Talk Ultra has Mimi Anderson and Samantha Gash talking about their epic South African journey. Luke Nelson talk about his running career, recent 100-mile success and how going out hard can pay off! Melie Forsberg is back for Smiles & Miles and Marc Laithwaite talks the long run in Talk Training. Tne News, a Blog, up & Coming races and Niandi Carmont co-hosts.


Skyrunner(R) World Series and Continental Series announced for 2015 – HERE

LIKE THE WIND pop-up – photo workshop, Seb, Jez Bragg

Kilian Jornet blogs about his passion for photography – HERE

Samantha Gash & Mimi Anderson
Luke Nelson


Marc Laithwaite is back with how long should your long run be?



Antarctic Ice 100k | 100 kilometers | November 20, 2014 | website

The North Face® Endurance Challenge Argentina – 50 km | 50 kilometers | November 23, 2014 | website
The North Face® Endurance Challenge Argentina – 80 km | 80 kilometers | November 23, 2014 | website

Upstream 50km Challenge | 50 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website

The Ancient Khmer Path | 220 kilometers | November 28, 2014 | website

Costa Rica
Transtica Costa Rica’c-venture – Course Aventure | 120 kilometers | November 19, 2014 | website
Transtica Costa Rica’c-venture – Course Extrême | 195 kilometers | November 19, 2014 | website

100 Km Pharonic Race | 100 kilometers | November 21, 2014 | website

Raid nocturne Le Puy-Firminy | 68 kilometers | November 23, 2014 | website
Trail Extrème Lillois – 75 km | 75 kilometers | November 16, 2014 | website

Chiemsee-Ultramarathon November | 108 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
Lower Saxony
1. Lauf PSV Winterlaufserie 100 KM | 100 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
1. Lauf PSV Winterlaufserie 50 KM | 50 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Kleiner KoBoLT | 106 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
KoBoLT | 140 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website

Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong | 100 kilometers | November 14, 2014 | website

Ultra K Marathon | 50 kilometers | November 16, 2014 | website

Trail Uewersauer | 50 kilometers | November 16, 2014 | website

Putrajaya 100 km | 100 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Putrajaya 100 Miles | 100 miles | November 22, 2014 | website
Putrajaya 52 km | 52 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Putrajaya 78 km | 78 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website

Desert Ultra | 250 kilometers | November 14, 2014 | website

New Caledonia
Evolo Kura to Mount | 300 kilometers | November 28, 2014 | website

New Zealand
Kauri Ultra | 70 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Molesworth Run | 84 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website

Arrábida Ultra Trail | 80 kilometers | November 16, 2014 | website
Trail AM | 60 kilometers | November 23, 2014 | website

Mafate Trail Tour | 65 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website

South Africa
Salomon Sky Run 100 km | 100 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Salomon Sky Run 65 km | 65 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website

Marathon des Oasis | 111 kilometers | November 16, 2014 | website

United Kingdom
Beacons Ultra | 45 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Coastal Trail Series – Gower – Ultra | 34 miles | November 15, 2014 | website

Dizzy Fifties 40 Mile Trail Run | 40 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Dizzy Fifties 50K Trail Run | 50 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
Dizzy Fifties 50 Mile Trail Run | 50 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Tranquility Lake 50K Trail Race | 50 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Pass Mountain 50K Trail Run | 50 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
Chimera 100K | 100 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
Chimera 100 Miles | 100 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Malibu Canyon Trail Run 50 km | 50 kilometers | November 16, 2014 | website
Mt. Tam Trail Run 50 km | 50 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
San Joaquin River Trail 50K Run | 50 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
San Joaquin River Trail 50 Mile Run | 50 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Spirit of the Rock 50M | 50 miles | November 23, 2014 | website
Wild Sebastian 100 Fall Edition – 100 Miles | 100 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Wild Sebastian 100 Fall Edition – 50 Miles | 50 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Wild Sebastian 100 Fall Edition – 75 Miles | 75 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
JFK 50 Mile | 50 miles | November 22, 2014 | website
Stone Mill 50 Mile Run | 50 miles | November 15, 2014 | website
Nougat Trail 100K | 100 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
Nougat Trail 50K | 50 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website
New York
Madhattan Run | 32 miles | November 22, 2014 | website
Flying Feather 4 Miler | 43 miles | November 27, 2014 | website
Texas Trail 50K Run | 50 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Texas Trail 50 Mile Run | 50 miles | November 22, 2014 | website
Wild Hare 50K | 50 kilometers | November 22, 2014 | website
Wild Hare 50 Mile | 50 miles | November 22, 2014 | website
Doppler 50k | 50 kilometers | November 23, 2014 | website
Grand Ridge 50 K Trail Run | 50 kilometers | November 15, 2014 | website



ITunes http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/talk-ultra/id497318073
Libsyn – feed://talkultra.libsyn.com/rss
Website – talkultra.com